Amazing Love and Grace

Verses to Read: 

  • Matthew 26:69-75
  • John 19:1-37


There are so many different points I could talk about in the story of Jesus' betrayal, crucifixion, and death, but there are two main ones that I would like to chat about.
  • Peter Disowns Jesus
Every gospel tells the Good Friday story, I chose to use Matthew 26:69-75 to reference Peters denial of Jesus.
Peter, a disciple of Jesus, said earlier in this story that he would never deny Jesus (Matthew 26:35).  In Matthew 26:69-75 Peter does deny Jesus, not once, but three times.  Peter denies Jesus so that He will not get hurt or made fun of.  How do you think Jesus felt when Peter denied Him?  How would we feel if one of our closest friends denied us?  Even though Peter denied Jesus three times, He still loved Peter.  Friends, that is amazing grace and love!  Have we, or will we, deny Jesus when times get rough?  Will we have the strength to proclaim Jesus' love even when we are being persecuted? I pray so.
  • Christ's Amazing Love and Grace
John 19: 1-37 is the story of Jesus' crucifixion and death.  
Jesus was beat, mocked, and scorned at because of us.  He paid our punishment because He knew we couldn't pay it.  He could have let us have what we deserve but He loved us SO much that he took our place (John 3:16).  We have never not been loved by God! That is a wonderful thought friends!  Jesus never got bitter and angry at the guards who beat, mocked, and killed Him.  Instead at the very end He said "Father, forgive them." (Luke 23:34).  Can you imagine asking God to forgive someone who is killing you!  What amazing love and grace!  Ephesians 3:19 says: "And to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."  This verse means that God's love for us is so great that no human can grasp the knowledge of how great and full His love is.  Although we can not grasp His love in full, we can understand that He loved us so much that He would die for us.  We are called to copy Christ's example and overflow with love for others so that others can see His light shining through us.  I pray that we can show the kind of grace and love to others, as Christ showed it to us.

The theme that I am trying to get at is that Christ showed us amazing grace and love in everything that He did.  Jesus refused to leave us as orphans (John 14:18), because He loved us.  He showed Peter grace after he denied Him three times.  Friends our God is an awesome God!  Remember, "By His wounds we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5).  Thank you Jesus for your amazing grace and love!
Happy Easter weekend friends!  Thank you for reading this even though it is long! ~Anna Kaye


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